
All content you supply, or pay to have created (logos, for example) belong to you. That means, if you wish to close your site or move it to a different hosting provider, Ladyweave Web Design will transfer to you all files necessary to install the entire site elsewhere, plus all source materials used to create your content. These files will allow your new hosting provider to quickly set your site back up, or create a new one from the materials provided.


Ladyweave Web Design will release any domains we have purchased for you to an authorized representative of your organization.


Please be sure your domain and hosting fees are paid up to date. Since the hosting fees are paid in advance, you may ask for a pro-rated refund of those charges. No refunds will be given if you are not paid up to date.

No refunds will be given on one-time fees (Setup and Design).


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Domain Registration - 25.00 USD
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